37th Chaos Communication Congress: New Important Instructions (Video + Slides)

Five years ago I gave a Lightning Talk at the 35th Chaos Communication Congress called “Pass the Cookie and Pivot to the Clouds”. It was a talk about my very first blog post on Embrace The Red just a few weeks earlier in December 2018.

Fast forward to 2023… it was great to attend the 37C3 in person in Hamburg this year. The Congress was packed with great talks, amazing people, awesome events and side quests and I got to present also!

It was humbling and exciting to present in Saal 1, and stand on the same stage as Joscha Bach just the day before, to share my passion and security research in Large Language Models Application Security and Prompt Injection specifically.

You can watch the talk with a translation options on media.ccc.de, and I also uploaded the English copy to the Embrace The Red YouTube channel. Hope it’s interesting and helpful.

A pdf version of the slides is here.

Looking forward to the next Chaos Communication Congress.

Safe travels back home and Happy Hacking everyone!

