Backdoor users on Linux with uid=0
On Unix/Linux users with a uid=0
are root. This means any security checks are bypassed for them.
An adversary might go ahead and create a new account, or set an existing account’s user identifier (uid
) or group identifier to zero.
A simple way to do this is to update /etc/passwd
of an account, or use usermod -u 0 -o mallory
Let’s create a new user named mallory
wuzzi@saturn:/$ sudo adduser mallory
wuzzi@saturn:/$ cat /etc/passwd | grep mallory
Observe that the user has the uid 1001
Next, set the uid to 0 using usermod
wuzzi@saturn:/$ sudo usermod -u 0 -o mallory
wuzzi@saturn:/$ cat /etc/passwd | grep mallory
Finally, use the account and observe what happens:
wuzzi@saturn:/$ su mallory
Password: [....]
root@saturn:/# whoami
Detection and Threat Hunting
Depending on your central log collection tools, all you need to do is look for :0:
in the /etc/passwd
file for either user or group ids. On the command line on a host this can be done with something like:
$ cat /etc/passwd | grep ":0:"
The result of this command will look similar to:
Its unlikely, but if you encounter a BSD system you might actually see two user’s with uid 0. One is name root
and the other one toor
. So on non-BSD systems a nifty attacker might attempt to trick Unix administrators and hide an additional backdoor user with the name toor
In case you find backdoor users in your environment - I’d be curious to know.
Be aware that uid=0
are root users. It’s hardcoded.
One would expect the system to break, but things seem to continue working fine. I always assumed that the configuration is not really supported, but malware and malicious users rarely care about supported configurations.